Rocksteady University Charity Projects

projects funded by our donors

Graduation Materials Drive

Rocksteady University Charity believes every milestone on the path to education should be honored. Recently, we had the privilege of supporting a small school in Jamaica by providing graduation materials, including caps and gowns, for their students.

For many of these students, this graduation marked a significant achievement, a moment of pride for themselves and their families. By ensuring that each student had a cap and gown, we helped make this milestone even more special, recognizing the hard work and perseverance that led them to this moment.

Graduation is a time to celebrate, reflect, and look forward to the future. By providing these materials, we not only celebrated their past accomplishments but also encouraged these students to continue striving for success in the next chapter of their educational journey. Through these efforts, we reaffirm our commitment to supporting the educational aspirations of every child, helping them to reach new heights.

make a difference

School Supply Drive

With the help of our donors, we were able to provide bookbags and school supplies for all students at a school in Jamaica. They received brand new book bags along with much needed school supplies like scissors, crayons, glue, and pencils.

This initiative was more than just a distribution of supplies; it was a powerful statement of hope and investment in the future. When the burden of purchasing school materials is removed, parents and educators can focus on what truly matters—supporting the children's academic growth and success.

These brand new supplies represent more than just tools for learning—they are symbols of opportunity and hope. Even in their reserved expressions, it was clear that these children understood the value of what they had received. Our commitment remains strong: to provide these essential resources and support, giving every child the chance to succeed, regardless of their circumstances.

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Upcoming Project

We are happy to announce that our New Playground Drive has been completely funded as of August 25, 2024.

Our next step is to work with the school and local community to formulate a plan of execution. 

The children at a small school in Bellas Gate are in need of a safe place to release their energy and practice the social skills needed for many years to come. 

Our goals: To replace the rocks and weeds that cover the ground with a safer terrain option. To replace the old metal playground with heat resistant plastic options that will last generations. To make a small garden for the children to plant local flowers which will make their playground feel like their own.

Fund Projects like this

Other Projects

Rocksteady University Charity is dedicated to elevating education in the Caribbean. We take on multiple projects that are 100% donor funded.

School Fire Safety Equipment Drive
St Catherine, Jamaica

(+1) 305 762 9833

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